Top Heart Health Supplements & Why You Need Them (Dynamic Evolution Heart Pill)
AUTHOR: Dr. Paul Rieselman, DC, FNP-BC
TECHNICAL WRITER: Christian Edwards C.S.N.C, S.N.S

When we think of vitamins and minerals, most of us probably think of them as magic pills that will cure all your ills. While they’re not exactly a cure-all, they are essential for good health, especially when it comes to maintaining a strong heart. Maintaining a healthy heart is one of the top recommendations by doctors and other professionals who work in the field of health. In this article, we’ll be going over some of the best supplements to help you keep your ticker strong and healthy. Let’s dive in!
Ubiquinol (COQ10 30%)
Ubiquinol is an active form of Coenzyme Q10, or COQ10 for short. Ubiquinol is an essential nutrient, and is converted from the raw form of CoQ10, also known as ubiquinone. While both forms are necessary for good health, ubiquinol has been shown to be more effective. One of the main benefits of ubiquinol is that it helps prevent heart disease and degenerative conditions of the heart and blood vessels. It also helps the body produce energy naturally, and is great for people suffering from ailments like hypertension. Generally speaking, ubiquinol is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent damage to cells and tissues. It’s especially effective against free radicals, which are known to increase the chance of heart disease.
Vitamin D3 (as Cholecalciferol)
Cholecalciferol Vitamin D3 is a fat-soluble vitamin that is essential for good health, including strong bones. It also helps regulate your metabolism, and is important for a healthy immune system. Vitamin D3 is essential for cardiovascular health and is best known for reducing the risk of heart disease and hypertension. Studies have shown that people with low blood levels of vitamin D are at a much higher risk of heart disease than those with normal levels. Vitamin D3 is important for regulating blood pressure, which is why it’s such an important part of heart health supplements. Vitamin D3 is essential for healthy blood vessels, which is why it’s so crucial for heart health.
Vitamin K2 (as Menaquinone-7)
Vitamin K2 is an essential nutrient that is converted into other forms of vitamin K including vitamin K1. While vitamin K1 is still an important nutrient, the form of vitamin K2 that we’re discussing here is called MK-7, and is the form that’s being used in supplements. Vitamin K2 is important for cardiovascular health, as it helps reduce the risk of clots forming in the veins. It also helps regulate blood pressure, which is why it’s often included in heart health supplements. Vitamin K2 has been shown to be more effective than vitamin K1 for cardiovascular health. It’s been shown to be 30 times more effective at preventing blood clots from forming in the veins than vitamin K1.
Odorless Garlic Extract (1% Allin)
Garlic is a very well-known herb that’s been used for millennia for its medicinal properties. One of the best parts about garlic is that it’s very easy to grow and harvest, so it’s also very cheap. It’s important to note though that not all garlic products are created equal. The best part about garlic for heart health is that it contains allicin. This is known to be a strong flavonoid that has been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure. It’s worth noting that while garlic is a great addition to heart health supplements, it shouldn’t be eaten raw. This is because it contains allicin which is best at reducing cholesterol when it’s cooked.
Olive Leaf Extract (20% Oleuropein)
Olive Leaf Extract has been used as a medicinal herb since ancient times. Research as shown Olive Leaf Extract to be effective at preventing and treating several illnesses, including the common cold, the flu, and some types of cancer. It’s also a great addition to heart health supplements. Olive Leaf Extract is rich in a compound called oleuropein, which has been shown to help reduce blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels. It’s also a strong antioxidant that helps prevent cell damage and improves heart health. Olive Leaf Extract also contains high levels of vitamin E, which is a powerful antioxidant that also helps prevent cell damage.
Tumeric Extract Curcumin 95%
Tumeric is another herb that has been used since ancient times for its medicinal properties. It’s been shown to have anti-inflammatory properties, which is why it’s commonly used in Indian cooking. It’s also a great addition to heart health supplements. Curcumin, the active compound found in tumeric, has been shown to help regulate blood pressure and LDL cholesterol levels. It’s also a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease and other degenerative conditions of the heart and blood vessels. Tumeric Extract is a great addition to heart health supplements, and can also be used to treat other ailments like arthritis and joint pain.
Green Tea (Camellia Sinensis) as CellFlo6
Green tea is a drink that has been used in Asia for millennia. It’s also been shown to be very good for your health. Green tea is rich in antioxidants called catechins, and is a great addition to heart health supplements. Green tea is often added to heart health supplements because of its ECGC content. ECGC is a powerful antioxidant that has been shown to help lower LDL cholesterol levels and reduce blood pressure.
- Heart Pill already contains this innovative ingredient and trademark below CellFlo6.
GREEN TEA (CAMELLIA SINENSIS) LEAF EXTRACT (AS CELLFLO 6) - polyphenols in green tea may lower blood pressure, decrease inflammation, and improve epithelial function, which can help reduce heart disease risk in people with excess weight or obesity.

Heart health is important for everyone. As we’ve discussed in this article, it’s crucial to make sure you’re taking care of your heart and using supplements to keep it healthy. Heart health is important for your overall health, as well as your quality of life. When it comes to heart health, there are a few key supplements you should be taking. Ubiquinol is a great way to reduce the risk of heart disease. Vitamin D3 is great for regulating blood pressure. Vitamin K2 helps regulate blood pressure and reduce the risk of forming blood clots in the veins. And turmeric is a powerful antioxidant that helps prevent heart disease.
- In bodybuilding, the most vital aspect to maintaining a healthy, and fully optimal physique is having your engine firing on all cylinders. The most looked at components of health for any bodybuilder, or supplementation user is mainly kidney, and liver health, however the most vital component and number one killer of bodybuilders are their underlying heart conditions, and heart health.
- Your heart is damaged by a number of things, and nearly anything & everything ranging from: diet, physique enhancing drugs, stress from lifting (thickening the arterial walls of the heart naturally), heavy stimulant usage, stress, and the list goes on. Which is why Dynamic Evolution has released it's evolutionary heart product.
- HEART PILL is the best heart product on the market, rather if you are an athlete, bodybuilder, or just looking to protect yourself from a general health prospective and being proactive on your heart health, this is the best heart product you can get period.
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